Tax season is just about to begin.. For us it’s usually bad news due to having a home business – but for many it means that you get an extra surprise of a paycheck from Uncle Sam! Once upon a time though we got a refund every year. It was something we looked forward to each year: wondering what we were going to purchase with our extra!
It’s one of those grey areas for me. On one side I would love to put away a little more each month and have it “magically” returned to me each year in a lump sum – but on the other hand I understand that when I give Uncle Sam too much money – he’s gaining the interest and I am not. But, with $50/mo extra, I would probably end up spending it at Target… which no doubt is my favorite thing to do!
Give me a $1000 refund though – and I’ll be THRILLED!
5 things I would do with a Tax Refund this year:
1. Send my husband to Colorado with friends: He has been looking forward to a snowboarding trip with friends – and our finances have been tightened up with some pretty major goals, so with a little extra money I would for sure send him on his way. (Meanwhile we’re selling things on ‘Garage Sale’ groups on FB to earn the money to send him)
(Photo from
2. Save it for a vacation for the family. This summer we’re planning a road trip. If gas prices stay low like this and with a little extra cash in our pocket, we might change our plans and go a little further, like to Disney!
3. Pay ahead on debt. One of the ‘smart’ things to do, but obviously not very fun: paying down a student loan early would give us a little extra each month. We’re so close on about 5 of our student loans that it would be nice to eliminate one or more of them, but again… it’s not fun.
4. Trade in the Mini Van. My dream vehicle (and the next vehicle we will own) is an Acura MDX. I absolutely adore Acura. They’re quiet, reliable, long-lasting, and rank high in technology. I can’t imagine buying anything else for my next vehicle.
I Love that I can see online now the specs and information for used vehicles: and their pricing at The information on there is so great, and then adding in the no-haggle pricing makes me never have to pick up the phone to call someone to find the price. I hate when you have to enter all of your info in and then people bother you for days-on-end. is great because I can search cars without the hassle, and contact them when I’m ready.
5. Create a crafting room. I am a big lover of all things crafty: I used to do paper crafting, and then got into sewing – but then Andrew was born and my craft room turned into a baby room in our tiny condo. But now that we have an extra bedroom in our home, I’ve been waiting for the day when I have a little extra time and cash to make myself a craft room again. Still not sure I’m there on the time-aspect – or the cash for that matter… but it’s still a dream of mine! Isn’t this crafting armoire AMAZING??
So there you have it: My current top 5. I’m not sure they’re in any particular order, but they’re definitely things that are on my mind!
What would you love to do with your tax refund?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of DriveTime. The opinions and text are all mine.