Do you ever just have one of those days?? Nothing seems to line up?
The Scenario: I’m working on blogging stuff, and have been working my tail hiney off on getting an awesome event together – but it’s taking several hours of my time so far: He’s been taking care of the kiddo’s and has one in the bath tub, and the other one is asking to fly the helicoptor (remote control)
The conversation:
Joe: Can I get you anything?
me: Yeah, Could I get… a….
Joe: A corn bag? *holding up the corn neck wrap that you microwave, and then use to relax your shoulders*
me: Yeah that’d be nice, and… a glass of ice water??
*I start working again*
Joe: Did you want crushed ice in that???
me (like 20 seconds later): Uhh.. Oh! you were talking to me? I don’t really care.
Joe (about 10 seconds after that): Are you talking to me? what?
*meanwhile, he’s got the “corn bag” in the microwave*
me: Are you cooking something???
Joe: Uh… Yah. Corn.
*it hits me.*
Then we both start laughing.
That’s our night. In a nutshell.
Haha, wow, thanks for the laugh. U are a busy woman.