I chose to plant much of my garden REALLY early.
In Minnesota, the Frost Date (and planting date) usually looms around May 31st.
I planted early April.
What I figured was, Heck – My plants are mostly seed, and I’m using 2-3 seeds out of an entire bag of seeds – so… If it frosts between now and then, I’ll pull everything, and start when everyone else starts! If not, I’m ahead of the game. Big time.
And guess what?
I’m WAYYYY ahead.
Things started popping up rather quickly for me. Our soil content was good – fresh – and awesome.
A few seedlings turned into a few bigger plants … and then I got brave, and purchased a few tomato plants, and a pepper plant.
I’ve got in here:
Strawberries, Onions, Lettuce (head and leaf), Carrots, Bush Beans, Sugar Snap Peas, Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, Grape Tomatoes, and Big Boy Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Zuchhini. In that order.
Oh yeah, and I also started my Herbs box. Like that it’s on an automated watering system?? I do!
In here there is Chives, Dill, and Cilantro. Looks cute and perfect now….
It’s funny how one forgets that things grow larger… You know?
Keep coming back – I’ve got MUCH more to talk about!
Wow, it is really looking good! My daughter and grandchildren planted my stuff for me so now I’m praying no critters get at it. Good Luck with the rest of the growing season!
Gladys P
That looks great! I really want to try something like that, but I’ve never grown a thing in my life, and it seems like a lot of work. Keep posting…maybe you’ll inspire me to give it a try one day 🙂
Denise – seriously, this is the first time I’ve ever had success at building a great garden! I’m really enjoying it, and I find myself almost getting bored (hence what you will see next week about my next project 😉 ) because it’s a well-oiled machine!
Just keep Following – next year you’ll get your own 😉
Great! I wish I were ahead of the game! I’m late this year….. I only got my garden planted a week ago! But I’m really looking forward to all the fresh produce.
It looks very lovely. Isn’t it awesome when you plant something and it really starts to grow! Wait till your actually eatting the stuff you grew, What a feeling you get of pride. Enjoy your garden my friend. =)
I love it, Amy! I’m super jealous – I miss having a backyard to plant things in. You are so smart to start early, I never know exactly when to do it. Keep us posted – everything sounds SO good in your garden!
I’m envious, I want a garden. We had one a couple years ago but something kept eating every veggie plant I put in there. You did a great job!
Cute! I miss having a yard, would love to do something like this
It looks like you were smart to trust your gut and plant early! Hopefully you’ll get a large harvest this year! We’ve been having some issues growing for the last few years but are now slowly getting a handle on things. Our peppers and tomatoes are really looking great this year!