Wow. My garden has been FLOURISHING.
No kidding, I can hardly keep up with how much stuff is going on with it right now.
My tomato plants are taller than the crates around them, and still growing each day. I’d guess they’re about 9feet or so? Except they’re all bent over – because nothing is holding them up any more!! Yikes!
I’ve got a new jumbo tomato ready each day, and sometimes more than one.. not to mention the millions of cherry tomatoes!
Remember when I had just moved my cucumbers? I was afraid that they wouldn’t survive.
Well: They did… and it seems like each day I look at them, a baby cucumber that was an inch, has turned into JUMBO over night!
I’m still pulling at least 4-6 strawberries per day from my strawberry garden – and now they’re growing runners: and the runners are growing RUNNERS!
I think by next summer we’re going to have more strawberry plants growing than will actually fit… But I might be able to have enough strawberries ready that I could get some to come inside!! The boys hover next to me as I’m picking ripe strawberries, and they take turns eating them.
I never get any
But that’s half the joy of the garden!! The boys are eating healthy!
Here’s Today’s Harvest: It’s a big one! (minus the strawberries.)
The kids and I have been pulling some carrots every few days to ‘check on their size’ and then eat them. We just wash them off with the garden hose and then eat’em up right there!
How’s your garden doing?? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor??
beautiful garden,,you are getting some great veggies out of that little garden,,wish I had made one but was too hot here this year
awesome haul from the garden! We didn’t get a chance to do a large garden this year, but I have a cherry tomato plant on the back porch that’s doing fantastic! 🙂
Wow this is amazing I wish I hat the time to plant a garden.
Wow! you have a really great garden! All of your garden vegetables look healthy and delicious! I bet your kids love to eat this fresh vegetables! Good job!
Wow! Those look so good! Your garden looks great and your children are so cute with those carrots! I think it is so fun seeing kids get involved in gardening. My parents have a huge garden and I love to help them and we do a ton of canning at the end of the season. It is so rewarding to grow your own food!
wow that is so cute and i bet they love to help in the garden
Wow how awesome! Thank you for sharing the update. I think I will wait a while before I show you mine. LOL Not quite as progressed as yours. We got it in so late.
Amy, everything looks awesome! In fact, I think next year you will need more space. Your carrots look yummy. Eating heathy and going to the gym at 5:30am – WoW, way to go!!
I wanna come over to your house for fresh tomatoes! LOL
Your pictures are not supposed to make me jealous! My garden is still growing and we don’t have that long of a growing season. I hope we get at least one tomato before the frost. LOL!
Your plants and vegetables look so good! We didn’t get to plant a garden this year. I can’t wait to plant one next year! Thank you for sharing!
Yummy garden!!! Thanks for sharing~more inspiration for me to get mine perfect next year! 😀
Oh how I wish I didn’t live in an apartment so I could try my hand at a garden! Your produce looks so yummy!
WOW AMY, you should be proud. I am a little ‘green’ with envy. No garden in for us this year. With organic foods so high priced, your work towards healthy foods and lower bills in buying them is just amazing. Ummm…carrots pulled right from the earth…nothing better!
Beautiful garden! You did good. I wish I had a green thumb.
You have a beautiful garden. We have one but it’s been so hot and dry we are really having to work extra hard to get a good crop.
Congratulations on a plentiful garden! I wish that I had a garden and a green thumb!
Still love looking at your garden. You should be very proud of your accomplishments.
WOW – you should be proud of your garden – it’s great. No garden for us…yet. But yours is inspiring
That is a very nice garden. Enjoy your tomatoes. The deer ate all of mine
My Grand daughter loves tiny tomatoes, but they have not done good at all this year, too dry. Your garden looks great.
Wow this is impressive!
I am so envious…that is awesome! I so wish I could have one without something eating everything I plant. Not to mention, here in Georgia, not sure it would have survived too long.
I would like to know if you have canned anything out of your little garden or is it just a fresh produce garden?
Wow! I’m jealous, I was pretty proud of myself I grew some plants and flowers this year. Next year I will attempt a garden we’ll see how that goes. Lol sounds like something my boys would do with the strawberries. My 2 yr. olds nick name is the Zaza monster (before he learned how to pronounce strawberry that’s the way he said it)
wow i wish i could have done this! i did try, but it never worked!
I know this post is old, but I wish I had the patience for a garden! My mom has a garden every year and it flourishes, but not mine.
WOW! Someone has a true green thumb. I got a few tomatoes this summer and that was it!
It is so satisfying to grow your own foods in a garden! We grew tomatoes this last season and they did great!
That is so great! Good for you!! You need to give me some pointers because I can’t keep a simple house plant alive!
Your garden looks so good. I sure wish mine would look that great. This past year our tomatoes did okay but most of eveything else didnt give us much of a crop. We like to plant a variety of vegetables each year especially tomatoes. what extra we dont use or put away we donate to others who can use them. I remember how my grandsons used to pick the sugar peas and eat them right away .
Yummy, you done a great job.
Wow… you did an awesome job. My parents have a huge garden, but I haven’t ever attempted more than just a few plants.
Great job! That inspires me to plant a veggie garden!! 🙂
Great garden! I miss having a veggie garden, going to attempt it this year (I was in an apartment before) I miss my homegrown tomatoes & cucumbers 🙂
you need to share your skills with me. i kill everything!
I am looking forward to planting a garden this year…. if it ever warms up enough.
As much as I know you may not like the cold weather, the warmer weather lets you grow so many things like strawberries, that I could never get to grow. It just gets too hot here too quick usually. They have to be planted so early, that many years they are lost to late freezes. Isn’t it fun to garden with the little ones? I remember it well!
I hope your garden this year is as great as it was last year.
Our Garden is getting big too
Im so jealous! Mine is not doing so great, we have had way too much rain so far and they look stringy and weak. I do have a few tomatoes but none of them are ripe yet. I love to have my own vegetables. The children love picking them and one loves to eat all of them, lol
So jealous of your garden! Not only am I terrible with growing things, we don’t even have the room at my current apartment for anything. Keep up the good work!
Do you use any fertilizer or amendment?? in my raised beds i can’t seem to keep any root veggies for more than a few weeks & before they just jump to flowering with tiny carrots (or parsnip, rutabaga, etc)