A few weeks ago I attended the Get Radical Women’s Conference in Reston, VA with Best Buy as part of the WOLF (Women’s Leadership Forum) blogging team. I was so excited to attend, and was really inspired by so many women.
The Get Radical Conference was conveniently held in March – which just so happens to be Women’s History Month. And the women present at this conference certainly were something that should be celebrated in Women’s History. They were strong, they were fierce, and they were determined. It was pretty fun to be a part of.
Best Buy wanted to be part of the event because they wanted to showcase what women today are doing to “Spring Forward” with their lives – achieving new levels.
At First, I had a little bit of a hard time at the conference, because all of these women were SO passionate about their goals – and outright determined to get ‘there’… and I’m one of those people who is totally happy with Mediocre. I’m loving my comfortable life of sitting back and watching the world go round and round.
I’m pretty busy as a mom of two toddlers, a dental hygienist, and a blogger… I have no ambitions of opening my own business (beyond blogging) and I have no goals of being as big of a blogger a Dooce or The Pioneer Woman.
But as the conference moved along, I got to thinking… “Do I NEED to have Ginormous Goals in order to Spring Forward with my life??” No! I can get radical in my own life – even as being a Dental Hygienist, a Mommy, and a Blogger – by making goals that I’m looking forward to… And doing what I *love* will get me where life intends me to be!
One of my BIGGEST goals I’ve ever had in my life is to take a year long trip with my kids… I’d love to pull them from school for an entire year (maybe around 5th/6th grade-ish), and travel the 48 contiguous states in an RV and learn history first-hand… That’s a PRETTY big goal, considering the amount of money that we would have to save for that. That’s only 8-9 years from now – and we’d have to have enough $ for Joe to have an entire year off from work, still paying our bills – and somehow have enough money to travel (gas is EXPENSIVE in an RV!) Oh yeah, and we’d have to have an RV…. hahaha!
It might be 15-16 years from now before that becomes realistic, because – we’re going to be spending the next 5-19 years paying off student loans – then finally making an income and starting our savings for that trip… but… baby steps, people..
So I learned a really great way of figuring this out:
Get your BIG Goal in mind: Write it down. (Where do you want to be 10 years from now)Figure out your halfway point – Where do you have to be in 5 years to reach the goal?
Figure out that halfway point. Where do you have to be in 3 years to make your 5 year goal?
What about in the next year? Where do you have to be in the next year in order to make the 3 year goal?
THERE. That’s your starting point.
But what else?
My other dreams are to take this site somewhere different. I love doing reviews, and personal stuff – but I also want to talk more about dentistry. I know, y’all are like… ‘WHYYYY would anyone want to talk about TEETH?!’. It’s because, It’s my passion. I love helping people, educating people – and I’ve got a LOT of knowledge in my noggin’. I am dreaming big about where I can go with dentistry on my blog… so – There we go.
Hence – my new blog makeover! It’s a BIG work in progress – but this template for the blog will allow me to diversify my writing, without it being so Random… I’ll have my very own dental section – so if you’re interested, you can check it out. If you’re not? Just avoid it!
It’ll take a little bit of work (on my end) to get it all set up the way I want, so please bear with me!
Slightly Unrelated….
I know it’s slightly unrelated – but I am currently working with Best Buy on a review of the Sharp Air Purifier, to which there is a coupon.. I’m telling you – this thing is KILLER. So, just in case if you’re looking to spring-clean your air in your house – this would be my #1 recommendation.
The Sharp Air Purifier Coupon can be found by clicking here. It expires 4/15/2013!
Also – Don’t forget to get the Geek Squad Black Tie Protection for it: Geek Squad® Black Tie Protection is Like Having a Geek Always With You.
What Are Your Goals?
I’d love to hear what you’re doing to Spring Forward in your life! You can comment here, but I’m sure that Best Buy would *love* to know how you’re planning on springing forward in your life – Write it down – throw it out there into the twitter world! It will feel GREAT to get your goals out of your head and into the world! They’re asking that you use the hashtag #BBYSpringForward if you choose talk about what you’re doing!
I am writing this post in conjunction with the Best Buy WOLF Blogging Program. I was not compensated for this post, but rather encouraged to write about my experiences and to share my Spring Forward Goals!
wow, that’s so cool!!