Mom’s First Week Must-Haves:
You are tired, overwhelmed, excited, happy, nervous, and probably in some pain. You’ve been through labor and a hospital stay and a few sleepless nights already.
A Friend
Hopefully someone close who can come help you be sane when baby won’t stop crying, but a faraway friend works too. Someone to talk to, whine to, lean on, and cry to when nothing seems to be going quite right.
Serious, hard core, ready for anything maxi pads. You’ll be bleeding for about 6 weeks, it will get lighter and gradually get better, but the first week demands those thick, uncomfortable pads you laugh at when you walk by them in the store.
Boob pads too.
Your boobs will leak. Your body and your baby and working on getting in a rhythm for how much milk to make and when to make it. In the meantime, you will leak. It’s normal and it’s ok, but the boob pads will soak it up so people don’t stare at you as you walk by.
You’ll have headaches and belly cramps and backaches and sore arms. Tylenol is safe during breastfeeding and your friend, 1-2 tabs every 6 or so hours as you need it.
A Robe
Thin or thick, depending on the weather where you are. For when you wake up at 2 in the morning. And 3. And 4. And so on. Unless it’s hot like AZ and you are fine walking around the house naked!
A Baby Sling or Wrap
This will be a lifesaver. I love babywearing, because your hands are free but baby is still close enough to be happy and feel cozy. Not hugely necessary the first week since you should be taking it easy, but definitely a need sooner than later as you feel better and up to doing things, even around the house.
Ice packs and the Weird Squirty Bottle
Ice packs because it’s sore down there. And the weird squirty bottle the hospital gave you, to help rinse off your stretched-out and sore parts as they recover. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt to sit or stand forever, just for a few weeks. Warm baths feel great too! Don’t feel bad if you take a couple a day!
Lose clothes
It’s ok to keep wearing your maternity clothes for a while. You aren’t going to immediately fit back into your normal clothes and that’s fine. You’ll get there! Dress comfortably the first weeks, let those skinny jeans collect dust a while longer. Plus the lose clothes are easier on your sore parts, easier to pull up to breastfeed, and easier to take off for some good skin-to-skin time.
You need lanolin cream (for the sore nipples you will have), a good book or games on your phone to help you stay awake while baby nurses, good nursing bras and lose-fitting or nursing tops. You’ll need a nursing pillow and a comfy place to nurse too. Don’t worry about having a pump the first few weeks, unless baby is having trouble latching and you need to pump in addition to breastfeeding.
Bottle Feeding?
It’s the first week. Don’t give up on breastfeeding yet. It’s hard but you can do it!
If it’s something medical or impassible preventing you from breastfeeding, you’ll need formula, bottles, and safe water. You’ll still need boob pads as well as cabbage leaves to help with engorgement.
These are all great tips that would surely help any new mom!
These are awesome must haves for new moms, I think you pretty much got it covered. Great information for new mommies out there.
Fantastic advice thanks for sharing!
This is wonderful information for new moms. My niece is due soon with her first baby, will forward this on to her.