Have you seen the Recordable Story Books from Hallmark?? They are AWESOME. I saw these for the first time unfortunately about a week after my Mother-In-Law passed away. She would have loved to record a story for Andrew. She loved Andrew SO much and even in her last day of life, hearing his giggles and coo’s brought a smile to her face while she was tuned out to almost every other noise… Gosh we miss her, It makes me cry thinking about it!
But the sad part of it is, is that I didn’t see this – until after her funeral. So needless to say, I didn’t want to make that mistake again. I asked both grandparents to get a storybook and record it now for my kids for Christmas this year.
Andrew loves the books, and so do we! We love that our kids will always have that Cherished memory of Grandma and Grandpa reading a story to them whenever they want!
The books are made with a toddlers roughness in mind. They are made to last, which is great! The voice recordings are also made to last forever, even when changing the battery, the recording will stay there! So this Valentine’s Day I had the opportunity to review another Recordable story book – and I thought how awesome it will be to have a story read from mom and dad, so if either of us are not around, we can read it to him still!
I love the idea that when he is a little older and learning to read, he will be able to read along with us as well!
So if you want my honest opinion, Hallmark was brilliant for coming out with these books, and in my opinion, they are priceless!!
They will make a great gift to your loved ones this Valentine’s Day as well – So get to your local Hallmark store and buy one today, before it’s too late!
For more deals from Hallmark, see this post.
1) This first entry is MANDATORY. You must visit Hallmarks website and tell me what card you would love to send to someone for valentines day (with free postage 😉 )!
2) Subscribe to my blog via email
3) Follow my blog publicly via GFC
4) Post my Button on your blog. (please leave a link!)
6) Follow GrinCheek2Cheek on twitter
7) Follow Hallmark on Twitter, and copy/paste this tweet about the giveaway. Please include a link to your tweet. You can tweet this message once daily for one extra entry per day.
8) Like GrinningCheektoCheek on Facebook! please include your facebook name with your entry.
9) Like Hallmark on Facebook
11) Follow my blog via Networked Blogs (click on right)
12)Vote for me on picket fence blogs. One Entry per vote(per day).
13) Enter any of my other Current giveaways. 1 extra entry per contest entered.
Open to US and Canada residents. Giveaway ends February 17th, 2011 at 11:59pm. Winner will be drawn by random.org the following day, and will be e-mailed. Winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn. Winners will be announced on this blog after all have responded. Product was given for review purposes in exchange for this review and giveaway.
I love my little princess. amypugmire@live.com
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fb fan of hallmark. amy bolda pugmire. amypugmire@live.com
voted for u on were on the fence. amypugmire@live.com
I would love to send the Falling in Love All Over Mickey Mouse and Friends E-Card to my hubby for valentines day!
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
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sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
I have entered the Beanies2Bows giveaway
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
I have entered the Dacron Mini Pillow set giveaway
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Follow Hallmark on twitter (@PandaSweetSweet) and tweeted:
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
I would like to send the I Heart U Foil and Photo card.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Follow Hallmark on Twitter; rhoneygee
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rhoneygee/status/32941894140960769
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I like the "Again, I Know Everything" -Husband / Spouse / Love card. very cute!
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Voted on the fence.
Entered the Beanies2Bows g/a.
Entered the SkinMD g/a.
Entered the Swiss Colony g/a.
Entered the Kid-e-covers g/a.
Entered the Alternative Bling g/a.
Entered the Dacron Mini Pillow set g/a.
Entered the Sid the Science kid g/a.
Mandatory….Heart & Dance Steps
Choose any song from our song library for this card.
(Shake, Shake, Shake) Shake Your Booty
K.C. & the Sunshine Band
5.5×5.8 Folded Greeting Card
Choose Song, Edit Cover
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I posted on Hallmark's FB wall
Like GrinningCheektoCheek on Facebook…Theresa coppola-Jenkins
I would send Sealed With A Kiss to my hubby.
I follow you on GFC(Linda G)
i would love to send the Checking Out Your ''S'' card to my husband!
entered Swiss Colony Valentine's Treats Giveaway
I would love to send the "For My Husband" card.
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
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Melissa Dassow Eades
edz.mels at yahoo dot com
I would send my hubby the "Again, I know everything." card, lol.
misteedawnw at aol dot com
I love this one with snoopy and woodstock http://www.hallmark.com/ECardDisplay/ECardDisplay/npz6444_DK?FacetList=ecards%3EValentine%27s%20Day%202%2F14%3EFor%20Kids
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gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: beanies2bows
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: skinmd
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: swiss colony
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: kid-e-covers
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: alternative bling
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: dacron pillow
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: sid the science kid
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: baby goes pro
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
I would send Disney Princesses photo card to my daughter for valentines day
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gfc follwer (vbbrunette408)
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wrote on hallmarks facebook wall about the giveaway (julie grimberg)
Love the Mickey Mouse Falling in love card.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/33718246431526912
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/4
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
The bouncing dog valentine card "woof be perfect"!
I'd get the Can't Get Enough Honey card for my hubby
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following hallmark on twitter and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/walkwithme/status/34022054890053632
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Voted for you 2/5
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
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Voted for you 2/6
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
daily tweet
tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/34649535892422656
daily vote
I'd get the can't get enough honey card for valentine's day. hanovertomato at yahoo dot com
I like the Checking out your S card.
Thanks for the chance.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/34794518846898177
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/7
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
daily tweet:
I would send just want to bug you to my son. He loves bugs and insects and reptiles SOOO much!
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I would love to send the card: Wish I May, Wish I Might…
I would be perfect for my family that I moved so far away from.
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I'd send the "you've been hugged" card to my little grandson.
kimkmc at yahoo.com
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kimkmc at yahoo.com
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kimkmc at yahoo.com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/35156356554035200
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/8
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/35362211895447553
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sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/10
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Daily Tweet
daily tweet
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sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/11
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
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Voted for you 2/13
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Daily Tweet
I'd like to send the You're Pretty Darn Cute card.
I follow on GFC.
entered Novica
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Daily Tweet
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/37211805587607552
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/37615646967595008
daily vote
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/37577635777216512
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/15
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Daily Tweet
tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/37907689568735232
daily vote
I couldn't see the Valentine's cards for some reason (maybe b/c it's after the 14th?), but I came across this e-card that is so cute (Lady and the Tramp:
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
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Janelle Komaransky
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xjanelle at hotmail dot com
I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs-Feb 16
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
I entered your Baby Goes Pro DVD giveaway
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I entered the Cuddle Tugs giveaway
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
I entered your Boogie Wipes giveaway
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
I like the "Dancing Snoopy" Valentine!
Daily Tweet
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/37927636873252864
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/16
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
the Again, I know everything card would be great for the hubby! suelee1998 @ gmail.com
tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/38270107641712640
daily tweet – http://twitter.com/jgrimbe2/status/38270107641712640
I would send the Maxine Censored – St. Patrick's Day
mellanhead74 at hotmail.com
xjanelle at hotmail dot com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/PandaSweetSweet/status/38330862080626688
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
Voted for you 2/17
sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com
I would send the "Miles Apart Airplane" card to my son, daughter-in-law and new granddaughter. They moved across the country 3 weeks ago when she was only 3 weeks old!
Daily Tweet
I would like to send the "For My Husband" card to my husband.
entered another giveaway: boogie wipes
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: novica
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: cuddletug
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: steribottle
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
entered another giveaway: h&r block
gmail.com, user pennywatcher
i would love the Jester – No Foolin'
April Fools' / Birthday
5×7 Folded Greeting Card
$3.49 Volume discount
for my husband
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I like the Robot Valentine's Riddle. My son would love that.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
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Like you on fb: Karen Bridges
Following on twitter @SCMOMOF2bOYS
I like the think about you 24/7 card wilcarvic
email subscriber wilcarvic
voted on picket fences wilcarvic
I love the For my Husband card!!!! I LOVE these books and have been wanting to buy one for my baby whose name just happens to be Valentina. xoxo 🙂
Spoon & Fork
One I Love
I'm a GFC follower.
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