With Christmas coming, boxes, bags and wrapping paper are in every house. Once you open those presents, what happens to the boxes? To the paper? To the bottles and cans you used for cooking? In all the fun and excitement, don’t forget to recycle! A company called Repreve has teamed up with Marvel Universe to help remind us how important and profitable recycling is with #TurnItGreen.
Only 30% of plastic bottles are recycled in the US. That’s just sad. C’mon people! China is at 83% and Japan at 73%. 30% means 70% ends up in landfills, parks, lakes and the ocean. We can do so much better! REPREVE is a recycled fiber brand that uses recycled plastic bottles by turning them into shifts, towels, car interiors and super hero capes! Brands like Patagonia, Haggar, Quiksilver and Ford use REPREVE fibers!
REPREVE teamed up with Marvel Universe LIve! to educate kids about the importance of recycling and helping them become recycling super heroes! In the kick-off in Charlotte, NC loval kids recycled almost 200,000 plastic bottles in 10 days! That can make 100,000 t-shirts, 8,000 jackets or 25,000 pairs of pants. How awesome is that?!?! As a reward, Marvel Universe Live! jumped a motorcycle 19 feet in the air for the kids to see!
Micah helps us recycle. We have a recycling bin that fills up faster than our garbage can does (especially with all the boxes from items I receive to review!) and Micah loves to help us carry recyclable items out to the recycling can. So much so that he cries if we don’t let him help.
Join in the recycling revolution! Make sure you recycle this season and through 2015! Check out REPREVE online to learn more and tweet #TurnItGreen and #REPREVE to spread the word!
Win a Superhero REPREVE cape/backpack like Micah’s!
Made from two recycled bottles, it’s a cape and backpack in one!
Comment about your recycling habits then fill our the Rafflecopter form and complete other options for more entries!
Rules: You do not have to be a blogger to enter/win. An email address is required to enter. Thoughtful comments required for comment entries. Entering this contest allows us the permission to use your email address for our Newsletter which may be unsubscribed to at any time and subscribing is not a requirement for winning. The winner will be chosen randomly through Rafflecopter and contacted via the email registered in Rafflecopter. All of the winners’ entries will be verified. A reply to the winning email is required within 48 hours before a new winner is chosen. One person/email per household. US only.
This giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST on January 15th, 2015. Good luck!
We recycle all paper products