I’ve been posting about my goals for 2012 – the changes that I’d like to make. Check out the original post here.
These are my goals as far as Home Domestication goes:
- Use more Coupons: I’d love to get my butt back in gear and do the double couponing at my local grocery store. I Did the first step! I ordered the Sunday paper!! Now I just need to cut and organize the coupons!
- Do Dishes Daily: Yeah, this is a tough one for me, because I *hate* doing dishes. They often stack up until I need to cook something, and it’s often an excuse for going out to eat: because I didn’t do the dishes.
- Cook More Often: With the craziness that was my Holiday Gift Guide and schedule that went along with that, we did not cook dinner very often these past few weeks. I need to get back to cooking healthier meals for the family.
- Creating a menu – and sticking with it. I often eat based on what I’m feeling like eating or cooking – and not off of what groceries I buy at the store. That’s bad.
- Daily Cleaning: I *was* doing SO well with cleaning on a more regular basis. I was doing dishes most mornings and cleaning up the kitchen – which just drives me nuts when it’s messy – BUT – I need to get back to the rest of the house. Cleaning bathrooms and vacuuming and other stuff that needs to be maintained.
- Laundry?? Get it put away!!: I almost always have the laundry done… but there it sits – in a basket. I don’t have a problem putting the boys’ laundry away – its mine that never gets put away. My room is a disaster because I throw clothes all over and never hang anything up.
To be totally realistic, some of these things just aren’t going to change over night, as much as I’d love them to change – I’d be cleaning all day if I got my house to be clean 24/7 like I want it. So overall: my goal is to
I made that goal last year and for the most part it has stuck. We mostly eat at home and I try to stay on top of housework. It is just hard to keep up when there are kids to take care of and outings and all the other stuff. I figure there is no point worrying to much because it will get done eventually lol
That’s great! Thanks for the motivation 😀
You sound just like me! Dishes are the worst. I hate them so much, and they definitely affect the cleanliness of the kitchen and what we eat/how much we cook.
I don’t know what it is about laundry, but it always feels like putting laundry away and putting sheets back on beds takes FOREVER…when I know it’s really just a few minutes of my time and then the baskets would be out of the way and things wouldn’t feel so cluttered!
Good luck meeting your goals, mama! 🙂
Yeah. I think about the laundry thing every time that I wash them. I start with great intentions – and usually leave my clothes in a basket after getting everyone elses put away. How’s that for mom thinking of others 😉
I should probably just start with my clothes, and then I’d feel too terrible for not putting the boy’s clothes away!
Oh my word.
This could totally be my list, like word for word. >_<
hahaha! maybe you should make it your list 😉