My baby is a toddler! She has been for a while, it’s just so hard to accept! She’s learning to use the potty (wishful thinking), has a huge imagination, is beginning to understand cause and effect, and sleeps in a toddler bed! The toddler bed part feels so grown up, but lends to problems of it’s own, especially when traveling! We can’t just set up a pack ‘n play and know she’s safe and cozy. With our Shrunks bed, now we just as easily set up her big girl travel bed and sleep peacefully!
Shrunks Tuckaire Travel Toddler Bed
The Shrunks bed is basically an air mattress for toddlers, while also being so much more! It inflates in two sections, the middle and outside, with the included electric pump.
The middle section has a soft top layer and fits crib sheets perfectly. It attached to the outer section well underneath, so a sheet can fit around it just like it would a mattress.
The outer section has slight raised sides to help keep a wiggly body safely inside (LOVE!). This outside section could potentially be inflated alone to create a little play space for a crawler as well.
We love our Shrunks mattress because it inflates quickly and easily and is so comfortable! My kids can get a good night’s sleep on it no matter where we are. Plus it’s high-quality – we push and wiggle without worrying about any leaks.
The whole mattress is rated to support 150 pounds, which is definitely enough for ages 6 and under. This also means that I felt comfortable snuggling my sick 2 year old on it while at grandma’s house. She and I spent a few nights together on her Shrunks mattress because she was sick, crabby, and hated the big bed for some reason. My legs hung off the edge, but the rest of me was cozy all night despite waking up every 20 minutes with a cranky baby. I mean, toddler!
Check out this great toddler bed and other Shrunks products online as well as on Facebook and Twitter.
This bed was supplied to me for review. Opinions are 100% my own.
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